Discover the savings you can get on Elenco Snap Circuits Extreme 750 Piece. Check back often as the price for Elenco Snap Circuits Extreme 750 Piece may change!

Elenco Snap Circuits Extreme 750 Piece Product Features
- Build over 750 experiments with 80 parts
- Experiments included: sound activated switch, lie detector, adjustable light controller, am radio, rechargeable battery and many more
- Parts included: photoresistor, power amplifier, variable capacitor, analog meter, solar cell, computer interface, full color manuals
- Snap-Circuits have received the following Awards: National Parenting Center-Seal of Approval, Creative Child –Toy of the Year
- Toy Industry Association - Specialty Toy of the Year, Dr. Toy 100 Best Children’s Products, Dr. Toy 10 Best Educational Products
C $144.84
3 new from C $144.84
Last update was in: January 25, 2025 7:11 am
Price history for Elenco SC-750 Snap Circuits Extreme SC-750 | |
Latest updates:
| 2024-11-29
144.84 CAD