Cheerios mascot Buzz the Bee is missing because there is something serious going on with the world’s bees.
Deteriorating bee colony health has caused bees everywhere to begin disappearing by the millions, and it’s time we did something about it!
To support the #BringBackTheBees movement, Cheerios is once again offering free bee-friendly flower seeds – and this year they’ve added a second promotion!
Help Cheerios meet their goal of giving away over 520,000 FREE Seed Packs to Canadians!
Sign up and request your free bee-friendly Sunflower Seed Mix from Vesey’s!
Allow 4 – 6 weeks for delivery.
While supplies last.
Get your youth involved in the movement by giving them their very own #BringBackTheBees T-Shirt!
Purchase specially-marked boxes of Cheerios, Honey Nut Cheerios, and MultiGrain Cheerios and redeem the PIN Code printed inside for a FREE Youth Bring Back the Bees T-Shirt!
There are 50,000 youth T-Shirts available to be claimed.
Limit 4 T-Shirts per household
Allow 10-12 weeks for shipping.
Offer ends August 31, 2019, or while supplies last.