In February, SodaStream gave us the opportunity to try out and review the Source System. We loved it and still use it all the time!
Recently, SodaStream contacted us again and asked if we were interested in trying out some of their new flavours. Um.. YES! We had been seeing ads on TV, the net and in magazines for a while and we were dying to try them. So you can imagine our excitement when a box of 3 new flavours arrived on our doorstep – Crystal Light Fruit Punch, Kool Aid Grape and Country Time Lemonade.

The bottles the new flavours come in are bright and attractive. It draws you in and makes you think “That looks tasty”. And its true, they are tasty! We also noticed something new with the caps, or at least I think it was new? They seem to have a bit more of a suction feeling to them. That’s the best way I can think to describe it anyways (literally, I just spent 4 minutes trying to think of a different phrase). When you try to take the cap of, it seems there is a bit of resistance. This is handy for preventing spills!
We also noticed the new flavour syrups are a bit thinner than the traditional soda flavoured syrups. I prefer this. It makes it easier to pour and it seems more concentrated so I find less is needed to achieve the best taste. Downside, the thinner syrups tend to find their way around the rim of the cap more efficiently than the other soda syrups. Which brings me to my next point…
This one is all about the bottle since there isn’t much to discuss regarding the durability of a liquid. An unfortunately, the new SodaStream bottles did not meet my expectations for durability 🙁 Remember I mentioned the new, thinner syrups sneaking around the cap and the new suction-y-ness of the bottles. Combine those with a man who doesn’t ever seem to rinse a lid and you’ve got yourself a sticky situation. It make getting the cap off a task and a half.
Now, let that bottle sit for a week all covered in syrup (unbeknown to me) and this is the result.
I tried and failed miserably to open it. Ryan tried and was more successful at twisting the bottle in circles than the cap. Not to worry, a bit of warm water over the cap and problem solved.
If you rinse your caps, this should never been an issue for you. But here, we figure we will test it to the max so you don’t have too 🙂
Does It Work?
Of course it does! All of the new flavours are delicious. The Crystal Light has a strong flavour but is light and refreshing. The Kool Aid is so much like the jugs of it I used to make as a kid, only better, cuz it’s fizzy! The only one we aren’t a huge fan of is the lemonade and it has nothing to do with this lemonade. We just are fans to begin with but we had company over who tried and it they loved it!

Dollar Value
I haven’t seen the new flavours in many stores yet, just one Walmart so far. And they only had the 3 we had already tried, not that they aren’t yummy enough to warrant purchasing again (they are – we already did hehe), but we wanted to try the other 2 new Kool Aid flavours and the Crystal Light Raspberry-Lemonade flavour. I know, it’s lemonade – but it’s flavoured lemonade 🙂
Anyways, they are the same price as the regular flavours (around $7 each). According to the SodaStream locator, we should be able to find them at Canadian Tire, Walmart, Water Depot, Home Outfitters, Sears, Staples and a flower shop (why?) in our town. Now that I’m armed with a list of locations, I shall go off Kraft flavour hunting soon!
Have you tried any of the new Kraft SodaStream flavours yet? What did you think of them? Rate it the stars above and leave us a comment below!
The products reviewed were supplied by the company. No other compensation was received. The opinions in this review are my own and have not been influenced in any way.