I was recently given the chance to try out and review Purex plus Oxi and Zout. This was the review couldn’t have come at better time! Here is my stain story.
I received my Henkel Insiders Pack early on a Friday morning hand delivery by Canada Post. Not even 30 minutes after I discovered the Purex Pack on our front porch, did one of our lovely pups jump on my WHITE bed sheets with their MUDDY paws. I’m not sure which one it was however, I’m looking more in Ella’s direction. They were awfully small prints and she just “seemed” guilty.
Anyways, there I was left open-mouthed, staring at what I thought were ruined bed sheets when I remembered – the Purex!
So, I took the sheets off the bed and trudged downstairs. Grabbed the unopened bottle and headed straight for the washing machine.
As soon as I opened the jug of Purex detergent, I was in love. It smelled so fresh and so clean. I just wanted to curl up with a soft pillow and smell that smell all day LOL Okay – back to reality.
It is a high efficiency detergent and is suitable for any style of washing machine. One of the best things about this detergent is you can also use it as a pre-treater for stains – and muddy dog paw prints.
This one is hard. How to rate the durability of a liquid laundry detergent? Is it even possible? I’m thinking no. So instead, I will discuss the durability of the bottle.
The lid to the jug was safety sealed so it didn’t accidentally open during transportation. I like that. We also had a totally unintentional test – during the spin cycle of a load that Ryan put on (of course!), the jug of detergent shook off the top of the washer and landed on the floor. Big bang but no big mess – phew!
Although we got lucky, I STRONGLY recommend not leaving your detergent on top of the machine while its running LOL
Does It Work?
Sure does! I’m kind of kicking myself now because in the flurry to get the sheets washed on an already busy morning, I didn’t take “Before & After” photos for this review. I know, blogger fail & shame on me.
However, I swear up and down that this stuff really does work!
After pre-treating, I did a basic wash & dry cycle. The sheets came out brilliantly clean, smelling super fresh (I didn’t even use fabric softener) and feeling extra soft too!
Dollar Value
The cost of Purex Plus Oxi & Zout varies depending on the size you get. Here are the regular prices at Walmart.
33 Load Size @ $5.87 = $0.17 per load
55 Load Size @ $8.84 = $0.16 per load
83 Load Size @ $12.73 = $0.15 per load (currently on sale $7.97 making it $0.09/load)
Their prices are less than 2/3 of the leading brand and the value is 100%! Combine a coupon with a great sale and you can surely get Purex at less than $0.10 per load!
I would DEFINITELY recommend this product to anyone who asked!
There you have it. That is my Purex Plus Oxi & Zout Stain Story! I am happy to report that it had a happy ending. My sheets were saved and I have found a new favourite liquid laundry detergent!
Here is the best news of all! We’ve got PRIZES for YOU to win! We are giving away 4 Grand Prizes of a Purex FREE PRODUCT COUPON + Pink SaveaLoonie Shopping Tote and 5 Secondary Prizes of a Pink Tote!
To enter, visit our Canadian Coupons | Free Samples Canada Facebook Page and share your stain story! It can be anything – your homemade stain remover solutions, your worst stain, a stain with a happy memory attached! Be creative!
[button radius=’3px’ background=’#1111d6′ border=’#1111d6′ color=’#ffffff’ link=’https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=536693419744196&set=a.125262007554008.31962.124040397676169&type=1′ window=’yes’ size=’big’] CLICK HERE TO ENTER TO WIN WITH PUREX & SAVEALOONIE [/button]
The product reviewed was supplied by the company. No other compensation was received. The opinions in this review are my own and have not been influenced in any way.
SaveaLoonie’s Purex FPC Giveaway Rules & Regulations
This Giveaway is intended only for residents of Canada who have reached the age of majority in the province/territory they live in at the time of entry. This Giveaway will be interpreted according to the laws of Ontario and the laws of Canada applicable therein without reference to conflict of law provisions. SaveaLoonie.com (hereafter referred to as the “Giveaway Conductor”)and Henkel Insiders (hereafter referred to as the “Sponsor”) have come together to bring you this giveaway. Rules & Regulations are subject to change without notice. This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by or associated with Facebook. You are providing your information to SaveaLoonie.com and not to Facebook. The information you provide will only be used for the purpose of the administration of this giveaway.
Giveaway entry begins on October 11, 2013 at 10:30 AM ET and concludes October 13, 2013 at 11:59 PM ET, the Entry Closing Date (hereafter referred to as the “Promotion Period”). Winners will be selected and announced on October 14, 2013 at or around 11:00 AM ET.
How To Enter
Visit the Canadian Coupons | Free Samples Canada Facebook Page at: https://www.facebook.com/canadiancoupons and leave a comment either on the Wall or on the Pinned Image Post sharing your stain story. Stories do not have a minimum or maximum character count nor must they follow any pre-determined guidelines.
You may also, simply Like the Pinned Image Post for your entry.
There are 9 prizes to be won during this promotion.
Four (4) Grand Prizes each consisting of one (1) Purex Plus OXI detergent free product coupon & one (1) Pink SaveaLoonie Shopping Tote. Each coupon has a maximum value of $8.00 CDN and an expiry date of December 31, 2013.
Five (5) Secondary Prizes of one (1) Pink SaveaLoonie Shopping Tote.
There is a limit of one entry / Facebook comment per person.
Winner Selection & Announcement
Winners will be chosen at the sole discretion of the Giveaway Conductor. Winners will be chosen based on the Stain Story they have shared. There is no pre-determined criteria for winner selection.
Winners will be announced via a blog post on http://www. SaveaLoonie.com and that post will then be linked on the Canadian Coupons | Free Samples Canada Facebook Page at http://www.facebook.com/canadiancoupons.