Mother Nature wanted to make sure we haven’t forgotten that it’s still winter!
We’ve gone from +5°C and seeing grass to -27°C (with windchill) and 2 feet of snow in just a few days!
While I’m not looking forward to heading out to shovel, it definitely is beautiful to look at!
So it seems fitting that today, as the snow falls steadily outside our office window, I’m about to announce the winners of our Laura Secord Hot Chocolate Gift Set Giveaway!
Please join us in saying Congratulations to:
Tracy Gibbons of London, ON
Melanie Parent of Winnipeg, MB
Congratulations! Our winners will be receiving an email from us shortly with further details on how to claim your prize.
Thanks to everyone who participated! Don’t forget you can still enter our e.l.f. Cosmetics Hello FeBROWary! Giveaway!