Wow, 500 likes on facebook! This is incredible. We are so thrilled that so many canadians want to save as much as they can when they go shopping!
Just for being a member of the site you will have a chance to win sample products, and coupons we have no use for. Below is a video of what you can win!
So how do you enter the contest? Well since we reached 500 likes on facebook we decided to do a guess the number contest. You get 1 (one) guess between 1 and 500.
Where do you post your guess? You post your guess below here on this page. You must be registered to post!
*Contest Rules and Regulations*
1. Only 1 guess allowed! Any other guesses more then 1, will disqualify your chance to win the contest!
2. Must be a member of savealoonie.com website.
3. Must have posted your guess with a valid email address. (we cant contact you if you dont give us the right email!)
4. Must be canadian and have canadian mailing address to receive prize.
5. In the event of identical guesses, the first guess placed will be the winner
6. You agree you are the age of 18+ when you submit your entry.
Contest opens May 28th 7pm EST
Contest closes May 29th 7pm EST
Winner is announced following the end of the contest duration.
Good luck to everyone and thanks for being part of the savealoonie movement!
Post your guess below in the comment form! 1-500! Good luck once again =)
Savealoonie.com is not affiliated nor endorses any products given away in the contest. Products given away are solely for charity.