Hottest Deals This Week
Find the hottest deals this week May 18th – May 24th 2012

Coupon Price Match-ups for major stores
Get this weeks price match-ups used with coupons in a nicely sorted list below
This week we go over flyers from Walmart, Zellers, Price Choppers, RCSS (East, West), No Frills, Sobeys, Canadian Tire, Foodland, Metro, Shoppers Drug Mart, Rexall Pharmaplus, Your Independent Grocer, No Frills, Giant Tiger and FRESH CO. Click a store below or simply scroll through the page. We are located in Ontario and base these Match Ups on our local flyers. Prices may vary according to where you live.
The best deals this week!
don’t worry, SaveaLoonie.com has got you covered!
Lots of deals for a Loonie or less this week! Take advantage of these great prices to stock up on essentials for summer! Happy couponing everyone =)
Giant Tiger: Bick’s Relish 375ml $1.00 – ($0.50 tear pad) = $0.50
No Frills: Italpasta 750g $0.88 – ($0.50 Save.ca) = $0.38
Independent: Red Rose Canadian Breakfast Tea 48s>72s $3.00 – (BOGO Save.ca) = $1.50ea WUB2
Rexall: Multibionta Multivitamin 30s $9.99 – ($4.50 SSP) = $5.49
Metro: Pantene Shampoo or Conditioner 375ml $3.99 – (BOGO P&G) = $1.99ea WUB2
Metro: Maple Leaf Top Dogs or Natural Selections weiners 2/$5.00 – ($1.00 webSaver.ca) = $2.00ea WUB2
RCSS West: Arm & Hammer Toothpaste 90>135ml $1.37 – ($0.75 insert) = $0.62
RCSS West: Bicks Pickles $2.47 – ($1.00 WUB2 tear pad) = $1.97ea WUB2
RCSS West: Kashi Crackers $2.47 – ($2.00 mail out) = $0.47
RCSS East: Arm & Hammer Toothpaste 90>135ml $1.37 – ($0.75 insert) = $0.62
RCSS East: Resolve Spray ‘n Wash 650>946ml $1.97 – ($2.00 insert) = FREE
Canadian Tire: Royale Facial Tissue 6 pack $4.49 – ($1.00 GoCoupons.ca) = $3.49
Zellers: Colgate Premium Toothpaste $1.99 – ($1.00 insert) = $0.99
Zellers: Christie Thinsations $1.99 – ($1.50 Print) = $0.49
Walmart: Resolve Spray 887ml $3.00 – ($2.00 insert) = $1.00
Walmart: Jell-O Refrigerated Desserts $2.00 – ($1.00 SSP) = $1.00
Walmart: Peek Freans Cookies $2.00 – ($1.00 mail out) = $1.00
SDM: Tide Liquid 1.18L or Powder 1.1kg $4.99 – ($1.00 or $2.00 P&G) = $3.99 or $2.99 *Sat & Sun Only*
SDM: Dempster’s Hot Dog or Hamburger Buns 2/$3.00 – ($1.00 WUB2 webSaver.ca) = $1.00ea WUB2
Walmart Coupon Price Match-up
the best deals at Walmart this week!
Jell-O Refrigerated Desserts $2.00 – ($1.00 SSP) = $1.00
Peek Freans Cookies $2.00 – ($1.00 mail out) = $1.00
Dempster’s Hot Dog or Hamburger Buns $1.87 – ($1.00 WUB2 webSaver.ca) = $1.37ea WUB2
Resolve Spray 887ml $3.00 – ($2.00 insert) = $1.00
Body & Beauty
Irish Spring Body Wash $4.00 – ($2.00 insert or SSP) = $2.00
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Zellers Coupon Price Match-up
the best deals at Zellers this week!
Christie Thinsations $1.99 – ($1.50 Print) = $0.49
Bounty Paper Towel 6 Mega Roll $10.99 – ($0.50 or $1.25 WUB2 P&G) = $10.49 or $10.24ea WUB2
Charmin Toilet Paper 24 double roll $11.99 – ($0.50 or $1.25 WUB2 P&G) = $11.49 or $11.24ea WUB2
Tide Liquid Laundry Detergent 1.18L $5.99 – ($1.00 P&G or $2.00 insert) = $4.99 or $3.99
Tide Stain Release $5.99 – ($0.50 P&G) = $5.49
Downy Fabric Softener Sheets 105s $5.99 – ($0.50 P&G) = $5.49
Downy Unstoppables $5.99 – ($2.00 P&G) = $3.99
Health & Well Being
Colgate Premium Toothpaste $1.99 – ($1.00 insert) = $0.99
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Price Chopper Coupon Price Match-up
the best deals at Price Chopper this week!
Dempster’s Hot Dog or Hamburger Buns $1.99 – ($1.00 WUB2 webSaver.ca) = $1.49ea WUB2
Dempster’s Whole Grains Bread $1.99 – ($1.00 WUB2 webSaver.ca) = $1.49ea WUB2
Bounty Paper Towel 8 roll $5.97 – ($0.50 or $1.25 WUB2 P&G) = $5.47 or $5.34ea WUB2
Mr Clean Liquid 1.2L $2.49 – ($0.50 or $1.50 WUB2 P&G) = $1.99 or $1.74ea WUB2
Mr Clean Magic Eraser 2 pack $2.49 – ($0.50 or $2.00 WUB2 P&G) = $1.99 or $1.49ea WUB2
Vim Spray 750>950ml or Cream 500ml $2.49 – ($1.00 SSP or insert) = $1.49
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Canadian Tire Coupon Price Match-up
the best deals at Canadian Tire this week!
Tide Liquid 38 use $6.99 – ($1.00 or $2.00 P&G) = $5.99 or $4.99
Charmin Toilet Paper 20 double rolls $8.99 – ($0.50 or $1.25 WUB2 P&G) = $8.49 or $8.36ea WUB2
Royale Facial Tissue 6 pack $4.49 – ($1.00 GoCoupons.ca) = $3.49
Real Canadian Superstore Coupon Price Match-up
the best deals at RCSS this week!
Schneiders weiners $2.98 – ($1.00 WUB2 webSaver.ca) = $2.48ea WUB2
Kellogg’s Fruit Crisps $2.47 – ($1.00 webSaver.ca) = $1.47
French’s Mustard 400ml $1.77 – ($0.50 Print) = $1.27
Fleecy Liquid 1.6L or Sheets 80s $3.98 – ($1.00 SSP or insert) = $2.98
Resolve Spray ‘n Wash 650>946ml $1.97 – ($2.00 insert) = FREE
Health & Well Being
Arm & Hammer Toothpaste 90>135ml $1.37 – ($0.75 insert) = $0.62
Arm & Hammer Battery Powered Toothbrush $5.97 – ($1.00 or $1.50 insert) = $4.97 or $4.47
Oral B Battery Powered Toothbrush $5.97 – ($3.00 P&G) = $2.97
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Real Canadian Superstore West Coupon Price Match-up
the best deals at RCSS West this week!
French’s Mustard 325>400ml $1.97 – ($0.50 Print) = $1.47
Bick’s Relish 375ml $1.47 – ($0.50 tear pad) = $0.97
Bicks Pickles $2.47 – ($1.00 WUB2 tear pad) = $1.97ea WUB2
Kashi Crackers $2.47 – ($2.00 mail out) = $0.47
Health & Well Being
Arm & Hammer Toothpaste 90>135ml $1.37 – ($0.75 insert) = $0.62
Arm & Hammer Battery Powered Toothbrush $5.97 – ($1.00 or $1.50 insert) = $4.97 or $4.47
Oral B Battery Powered Toothbrush $5.97 – ($3.00 P&G) = $2.97
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Sobeys Coupon Price Match-up
the best deals at Sobeys this week! Wednesday – Thursday
Dempster’s Hot Dog or Hamburger buns $1.99 – ($1.00 WUB2 webSaver.ca) = $1.49ea WUB2
Pam Cooking Spray $3.99 – ($1.00 booklet) = $2.99
Bick’s Pickles 750ml>1L $2.49 – ($1.00 tear pad) = $1.99ea WUB2
French’s Mustard 400ml $1.99 – ($0.50 Print) = $1.49
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Metro Coupon Price Match-up
the best deals at Metro this week!
Maple Leaf Top Dogs or Natural Selections weiners 2/$5.00 – ($1.00 webSaver.ca) = $2.00ea WUB2
Body & Beauty
Pantene Shampoo or Conditioner 375ml $3.99 – (BOGO P&G) = $1.99ea WUB2
Ivory Body Wash or Bar Soap $3.99 – ($3.00 WUB2 P&G) = $2.49ea WUB2
Olay Body Wash or Bar Soap
$3.99 – ($3.00 WUB2 P&G) = $2.49ea WUB2
Metro Coupon Price Match-up Extender Flyer
the best deals at Metro April 27th until May 24th
Blue Water Simply Bake or Breaded Fillets $4.99 – ($1.00 WUB2 Print) = $4.49ea WUB2
Dempster’s Hot Dog or Hamburger Buns 2/$5.00 – ($1.00 WUB2 webSaver.ca) = $2.00ea WUB2
Yoplait Source 650g $2.99 – ($0.50 GoCoupons.ca) = $2.49
Special K Fruit Crisps $2.49 – ($1.00 webSaver.ca) = $1.49
Resolve Stain Remover 650>946ml $2.99 – ($2.00 insert) = $0.99
Rexall Coupon Price Match-up
the best deals at Rexall this week!
Health & Well Being
Multibionta Multivitamin 30s $9.99 – ($4.50 SSP) = $5.49
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Shoppers Drug Mart Coupon Price Match-up
the best deals at SDM this week!
Dempster’s Hot Dog or Hamburger Buns 2/$3.00 – ($1.00 WUB2 webSaver.ca) = $1.00ea WUB2
Armstrong Cheddar Cheese Snack $3.99 – ($1.00 Print) = $2.99
Europe’s Best Fruit $4.99 – ($2.00 insert or webSaver.ca) = $2.99
Schneiders Red Hots 2/$5.00 – ($1.00 WUB2 webSaver.ca) = $2.00ea WUB2
Tide Liquid 1.18L or Powder 1.1kg $4.99 – ($1.00 or $2.00 P&G) = $3.99 or $2.99 *Sat & Sun Only*
Bounce Dryer Skeets 70s $4.99 – ($0.50 P&G) = $4.49 *Sat & Sun Only*
Febreze Air Effects or Set & Refresh $2.99 – ($1.00 or $3.00 WUB2 P&G) = $1.99 or $1.49ea WUB2
Mr Clean products $2.99 – ($1.50 WUB2 P&G) = $2.24ea WUB2
Swiffer Dusters $4.49 – ($1.00 or $1.50 P&G) = $3.49 or $2.99
Resolve Spray 650ml $2.99 – ($2.00 insert) = $0.99
Body & Beauty
Pantene Hair Care $3.99 – (BOGO P&G) = $1.99ea WUB2
Lady Speed Stick Fresh Infusions $2.99 – ($1.00 SSP or insert) = $1.99
Biore Cleanser $6.99 – ($2.00 sample coupon) = $4.99
Jergens Natural Glow 150ml $7.99 – ($2.00 sample coupon) = $5.99
Health & Well Being
Colgate Sensitive Pro-Relief Toothpaste 75ml $4.99 – ($2.00 webSaver.ca) = $2.99
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Foodland Price Coupon Price Match-up
the best deals at Foodland this week!
Schneiders Juicy Jumbos, Grill ‘Ems or Country Naturals $3.99 – ($1.00 WUB2 webSaver.ca) = $3.49ea WUB2
Bick’s Relish 375ml $1.79 – ($0.50 tear pad) = $1.29
Dempster’s Hot Dog & Hamburger Buns $1.99 – ($1.00 WUB2 webSaver.ca) = $1.49ea WUB2
Body & Beauty
Lady Speed Stick Fresh Infusions $3.79 – ($1.00 SSP) = $2.79
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Your Independent Grocer Coupon Price Match-up
the best deals at YIG this week!
Uncle Ben’s rice selected $2.99 – ($0.50 tear pad) = $2.49
Pam Cooking Spray $3.49 – ($1.00 booklet) = $2.49
Red Rose Canadian Breakfast Tea 48s>72s $3.00 – (BOGO Save.ca) = $1.50ea WUB2
Neilson Trutaste Milk 2L $4.49 – ($1.00 Print) = $3.49
Scott Paper Towel 2 roll $3.99 – ($1.00 Print) = $2.99
Body & Beauty
Dial Liquid Hand Soap Refill 1.18L, Bar Soap 8s or Body Wash 399>532ml $3.99 – ($2.00 insert) = $1.99
Degree women’s antiperspirant $1.99 – ($0.50 tear pad) – $1.49
Satin Care Shave Gel $2.99 – ($1.00 P&G) = $1.99
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No Frills Coupon Price Match-up
the best deals at No Frills this week!
Neilson Trutaste Milk 4L $4.97 – ($1.00 Print) = $3.97
Italpasta 750g $0.88 – ($0.50 Save.ca) = $0.38
Schneiders Juicy Jumbos or Grill ‘Ems $3.99 – ($1.00 WUB2 webSaver.ca) = $3.49ea WUB2
Giant Tiger Coupon Price Match-up
the best deals at Giant Tiger this week!
Bick’s Relish 375ml $1.00 – ($0.50 tear pad) = $0.50
Bick’s Pickles 1L $3.00 – ($1.00 WUB2 tear pad) = $2.50ea WUB2
Cashmere Toilet Paper 20 double rolls $5.97 – ($2.00 webSaver.ca) = $3.97
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FRESH CO. Coupon Price Match-up
the best deals at FRESH CO. this week! Thursday – Wednesday
Dempster’s Hot Dog or Hamburger Buns $1.99 – ($1.00 WUB2 webSaver.ca) = $1.49ea WUB2
Dempster’s Whole Grains Bread $1.99 – ($1.00 WUB2 webSaver.ca) = $1.49ea WUB2
Bounty Paper Towel 8 roll $5.97 – ($0.50 or $1.25 WUB2 P&G) = $5.47 or $5.34ea WUB2
Mr Clean Liquid 1.2L $2.49 – ($0.50 or $1.50 WUB2 P&G) = $1.99 or $1.74ea WUB2
Mr Clean Magic Eraser 2 pack $2.49 – ($0.50 or $2.00 WUB2 P&G) = $1.99 or $1.49ea WUB2
Vim Spray 750>950ml or Cream 500ml $2.49 – ($1.00 SSP or insert) = $1.49