Soooo…. I’ve got some news for you! I’ve got good news and bad news, which do you want first?
Well, I like getting the good first so that’s what we’re going to do!
The Good News – P&G has just released a NEW Sampler Program – brandPACK!
You can now sign into your P&G Everyday Account and select bundle options of trial/sample products you want to test out, order and have them sent right to your home!
The Bad News – To get your samples, you now have to PAY Shipping & Taxes, starting at $4.99.
The currently available P&G brandPACKS are:
BUNDLE A: Pampers Swaddlers (20 pk), Downy Unstoppables (1 load), Tide PODS (1 capsule) – $4.99
BUNDLE B: Downy Unstoppables (1 load), Tide PODS (1 capsule), Mr. Clean Magic Eraser (1 pad), Swiffer Duster (1 duster) – $5.49
BUNDLE C: Secret Clinical (14g), Cascade Platinum (2 pk/34g), Gain Flings (1 capsule), Mr. Clean Magic Eraser (1 pad), Swiffer Duster (1 duster) – $5.49
BUNDLE D: Pampers Swaddlers (20 pk), Secret Clinical (14g), Cascade Platinum (2 pk/34g), Downy Unstoppables (1 load), Tide PODS (1 capsule) – $5.99
BUNDLE E: Pampers Swaddlers(20 pk) Cascade Platinum(2 pk/34g) Downy Unstoppables(1 load) Tide PODS(1 capsule) Mr Clean Magic Eraser(1 pad), Swiffer Duster(1 duster) – $6.99
Limit 1 brandPACK per year, per household.
Now this isn’t to say brandPACK is necessarily replacing the free samplers we’ve come to know and love, but I must admit I’m a little worried. The whole point of sampling programs (IMO) is to sample the products for FREE!
What are your thoughts on the new P&G brandPACK? Did you order one? Let us know on the SaveaLoonie Facebook Page!