Things are changing folks. Prepare yourselves.
The Checkout 51 that you’ve come to know and love is already starting to change. No, I don’t think it’s going to become permanent, but the change is significant enough I felt it worthy of a post.
In case you are like most people and failed to read the fine print for this week’s offers, I have some bad news for you. I missed it too until I spotted a GREAT deal while working on this week’s Match-Ups and stumbled across it. Sorry, in advance.
The 2 offers from Neutrogena and the 1 from Clean & Clear CANNOT BE COMBINED WITH COUPONS! 🙁 It’s true. If you read the fine print it states “Cannot be combined with any other offer”. I immediately headed to the Checkout 51 FB Page to ask about this (since that phrase is not on the other offers) and noticed that someone else had already asked and Checkout 51 had answered:
Thanks for the question! Unfortunately, you cannot combine this offer with any other offers.
We know this is not the answer you were hoping to get but hope you understand.
So this post is to serve as a heads up! Don’t use a coupon on one of these items and expect a rebate from Checkout 51. And always read the fine print!
What do you think of this latest change to Checkout 51? Will you continue to use it if they stop allowing the use of coupons?