Maybe you marked this one on your calendar, or maybe you forgot all about it, in any case, I’ve got an update regarding the Free Van Houtte Coffee Mugs!
October 31st marked the required 6 – 8 weeks for delivery and yet, we haven’t received our mug yet! I know others have been anxiously awaiting it’s arrival because I’ve been getting messages about it on and off for a week now!
So I reached out to Van Houtte yesterday and this is what happened.
So the good news is, the mugs are coming. They haven’t disappeared or been forgotten about.
The bad news is, I don’t have a definitive time of arrival to share with everyone.
My advice – just sit back and wait for it to show up. It will be like an extra special surprise when it does make arrive 😀
Happy September Everyone! We are kicking off the month with an INCREDIBLE FREEBIE!
With Fall approaching, that means cooler weather is sure to follow. Keep warm with Van Houtte Coffee this fall!
And what’s even better, you can enjoy your nice Cuppa in your FREE Van Houtte Mug! Yup – you read that right!
HURRY and claim your FREE Van Houtte 12 oz ceramic mug!!
You claim your mug, you will be required to enter 2 UPC’s from participating products. We have supplied these codes for you to use 062151097179 and 062151507173
There are 13, 700 mugs to be claimed
Limit 2 per household
Get yours while supplies last.
Allow 6 – 8 weeks for delivery.
*NOTE* There seems to be an issue with this offer on mobile. It says already submitted before it actually is. Be sure you’re completing your sign up from a PC for best results!