This is it – our final Freebie Friday Friendly Reminder!
Dig out those coupons, because your one and only chance to redeem your Lucky Charms and Nature Valley LunchBox FPC’s is tomorrow!
Your coupon is valid for ONE Lucky Charms Chocolate cereal 340g OR Lucky Charms Treats bars 120g OR Nature Valley Lunchbox Double Chocolate flavour 130g.
*Please note* Save.ca sent out an email a couple of days ago informing everyone that there was a misprint on the coupon.
“The coupon you received in the mail mentions Lucky CharmsTM Chocolate cereal in a 330g box, but this coupon is actually valid for Lucky CharmsTM Chocolate cereal in a 340g box.”
While the coupon is valid, I suppose its up to the cashier/CSM/store whether they will actually accept it for the cereal or not.
Coupons are valid August 7th ONLY!
Which product do you plan on getting and where do you plan on getting it from? Did you have any issue redeeming for the cereal?Share with us on the SaveaLoonie Facebook Page!