Kick start your smoothie game with Burnbrae Farms!
Enter for your chance to win a Smoothie Prize Pack!
Grand Prize: KitchenAid Magnetic Torrent Blender + 175 Best Superfood Blender Recipes Book
4 x Secondary Prizes: gift basket containing the following items: one (1) $100 CDN Visa Gift Card, one (1) measuring cup, one (1) egg slicer, one (1) stress ball, one (1) water bottle, one (1) magnet, one (1) pen, one (1) grocery bag, one (1) mixing bowl, one (1) single serve blender (ARV $20 CDN), one (1) 175 Best Superfood Blender Recipes (ARV $20 CDN), eight (8) free Naturegg shell egg product coupons (choice of Naturegg Omega Plus, Naturegg Omega 3 or Naturegg Nature’s Best), six (6) free Naturegg Omega 3 Hard Boiled Egg Snack Pack (2 pack) product coupons, seven (7) free Naturegg Simply Egg Whites (500 g) product coupons and seven (7) free Egg Creations (500 g) product coupons.
Limit 1 entry per person
Contest closes April 11, 2017
Thanks Dana for sharing on the SaveaLoonie Facebook Page!