We just received an email from P&G for this awesome sampler offer!
Sign into your P&G brandSAMPLER account and request your FREE SAMPLER including:
Mr Clean Magic Eraser
Bounce Bursts
Cascade Platimun
You will get all of the products listed in your sampler!
Limit 1 per household. Allow 6 – 8 weeks for delivery.
*NOTE* Many users are still getting the “Page Doesn’t Exist” error. If this happens to you, just keep trying! Seeing as the same issue is happening with the Beauty Sampler, I strongly believe that there must be some sort of issue still on P&G’s end. We will keep you all updated on the situation! Also note, I do believe this is the same sampler that we posted last week, so anyone that was able to claim one then, won’t be able to again!