Burnbrae Farms has a great new instant win contest available!
Enter for your chance to win 1 of 10 Prize Packs or instantly win 1 of 3000 FREE Product Coupons!
5 Grand Prizes: Oster Brushed Stainless Steel 2- slice toaster, Black & Decker Home 1.7 L Brushed Stainless Steel Cordless Kettle, KitchenAid 10” skillet aluminum non-stick, Hamilton Beach Single-Serve Blender; ten (10) Sun-Maid® Cinnamon Raisin Bread coupons; ten (10) Oasis® Smoothie – 1.75L coupons; Burnbrae Farms and Naturegg coupons: Six (6) Naturegg Omega 3, five (5) Naturegg Organic, four (4) Naturegg Free Run, four (4) Naturegg Natures Best, ten (10) Naturegg Omega 3 Hard Boiled Egg Snack Pack, six (6) Naturegg Breakfree Liquid Egg, six (6) Naturegg Simply Egg Whites, six (6) Egg Creations, six (6) Egg French Toast; a measuring cup; an egg slicer; a egg stress ball; a water bottle; a magnet; a pen; a car blanket; a flashlight and a grocery bag!
5 Secondary Prizes: six (6) Naturegg Omega 3, six (6) Naturegg Breakfree Liquid Egg, six (6) Naturegg Simply Egg Whites, six (6) Naturegg Egg Creations, six (6) Naturegg Egg French Toast; a measuring cup; an egg slicer; an egg stress ball; a water bottle; a magnet; a pen; and a grocery bag
3000 Third Prizes (instant win): 1000 Egg Creations liquid egg product FPCs, 1000 Oasis® Smoothie – 1.75L FPCs, 1000 Sun-Maid® Cinnamon Raisin Bread FPCs
Limit 1 entry per person per week.
Limit 1 prize per person
Contest closes June 30, 2014