Canadian Coupons
March 17, 2012

Hey everyone! My tip for today on saving when shopping is a simple one. Shop with CASH!! Not debit, not credit – cold, hard cash ( a pre-set gift card is also a good way to go). If you bring plastic money with you shopping, you can be more enticed to buy things you don’t really need because you know there is a little bit of extra money sitting in your account. If you spend a bit of time planning out your shopping trip you can calculate what the cost is going to be. By doing this you have a dollar figure that you are willing to spend and no more. Take that amount of cash with you (always leave a few dollars wiggle room just incase your math wasn’t right on that day hehe) with you when you shop and leave the plastic at home. This way you will be spending the minimum amount possible and buying only what you need!

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March 17, 2012
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