RedPlum is one of the 3 companies in Canada that distribute scheduled coupon inserts in your newspaper. You can expect to find a RedPlum insert at least once per month. These inserts can be distributed anytime between Wednesday and Sunday of the week they are scheduled to be released. These coupons usually are delivered along with your weekly flyers or in the local paper.
Click here for our Guide to RedPlum Coupon Inserts
This week’s insert is due out around January 10th
Here is what you can expect to find inside:
$2 off Nature’s Bounty Product – expires July 7, 2014
$3 off Ester-C Product – expires July 7, 2014
$2 off any Disney or Marvel Gummies – expires July 7, 2014
Free Balance Bar – expires February 22, 2014
$2 off wub2 Speed Stick Power 85g or Lady Speed Stick Fresh Infusions 45-65g – expires February 28, 2014
$2 off wub2 Softsoap brand Body Wash or Liquid Hand Soap 828ml – 1.65L Refill or Irish Spring Body Washes – expires February 28, 2014
$2 off wub2 Colgate Total Advanced Health 170ml toothpastes or Colgate 360 or Slimsoft toothbrushes or Colgate 250ml – 1L mouthwash – expires February 28, 2014
$1 off Vileda Dish Scrunge – expires March 31, 2014
$1 off 2 singles or 1 value pack Pure Protein Bars – expires June 30, 2014
$1.50 off any Nature’s Bounty Hair & Nails product – expires June 30, 2014
$5 off entire NeilMed Product Line – expires Feb 28, 2014
$1 off any Cream of Wheat Hot Cereal – expires March 31, 2014