Learn more about the Lithium Ion Batteries Price Fixing Class Action.
Did you purchase a device with a rechargeable Lithium-Ion Battery between 2000 – 2012? You could be entitled to a share of $21M!
The Class Action
Lithium-Ion Batteries (AKA LIBs) are rechargeable batteries used in electronic products including laptop & notebook computeres, tablets, e-book readers, MP3 Players, Personal Digital Assistants, handheld GPS, handheld video players and cellphones.
The Class Action alleges that several LIB manufacturers conspired to fix prices for LIBs, resulting in higher prices for these types of products in Canada.
Settlements totaling $21.3 million were reached with the defendants as a compromise of disputed claims, not an admission of liability. The funds (plus interest, less approved fees and expenses) are available for distribution to eligible claimants.
Who Can File A Claim?
Anyone in Canada who purchased a device with a rechargeable Lithium-Ion Battery or a replacement battery for any of these products between 2000 – 2012, is eligible to file a claim. You can claim with respect to all LIBs or LIB Products purchased, regardless of the manufacturer or brand.
LIB Products are laptop computers, notebook computers, tablet computers, e-book readers, MP3 players, personal digital assistants, handheld GPS, handheld GPS, handheld video players, cellphones, and smartphones (excluding cellphones and smartphones sold as part of a service contract).
How Much Will I Get?
All eligible claimants will receive a minimum of $20 in retribution and do not require proof of purchase. This amount does not reflect damages suffered. It is a minimum threshold designed to maintain a feasible economic and administrative platform for settlement distribution.
If you wish to be eligible to receive more than $20, you must provide proof of purchase when you submit your claim. Where possible, Settlement Class Members will be able to rely on the Defendants’ sales records to establish their purchases. Where sales data is not available and/or a Settlement Class Member claims for purchases of LIBs or LIB Products in addition to those substantiated by the Defendants’ data, the Settlement Class Member must provide proof of purchase. This may take the form of:
- invoices, receipts, delivery or packing slips, purchase records, or historical accounting records; or
- a declaration attesting to the units purchased, together with substantiating documentation that is acceptable to the Claims Administrator
About Your Payment
Payments will be issued by e-transfer or cheque. If you elect to receive your payment by cheque, $2 will be deducted from your settlement payment to reflect the cost of issuing a cheque.
You have until December 17, 2021 to apply to receive your payment.
As soon as is possible after this date, arrangements to pay approved claims will begin. This process can take up to a year to complete. Undocumented Claims may be paid out before Documented Claims.
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