i-Say by Ipsos is a reputable company that distributes surveys for marketing groups online. This company will never ask for money from you. The basic premise is that when you sign up for the i-Say Panel, you will receive notification of new surveys by email. You can then log into your account and complete surveys that are available to you. When you register, you will be required to fill out an initial survey so they have an idea of your likes, dislikes and interests. This means you will only be invited to do surveys that will interest you.
For every survey you complete, you earn points. The point value depends on the length and type of survey you are doing. There are also many other ways to earn bonus points and chances to enter additional sweepstakes for cash and prizes!
The best part – these points can be put towards CASH!!! It may not seem like a large amount but if you save your points it could be! Cash incriments start at $15 and go up to $500!!! Your points can also be redeemed for charitable donations and gift cards.
This company is also great because they do not spam you. I am a member and only receive emails when there is a new survey or a reminder if there are surveys still awaiting completion. I receive 1 – 3 survey offers a week. It takes only a few minutes a couple times a week and you get free money! I have already earned several gifts cards and a little bit of money with this company.