So we didn’t get a whole lot of fantastic stuff this week but we did get a few good coupons and freebies. Unfortunately one sample we were quite disappointed with. We got coupons from websaver.ca and right@home. We also got some coupon inserts for Arby’s and Baskin Robbins. We got 2 more of the Kelloggs Fibre Plus coupons, but we are a little confused because I thought we were suppose to get samples? Oh well, that cereal is $2.99 at Walmart so its almost free
We got our Maynard’s Blush Berries sample. Was quite pleased that it was a big bag, I was expecting one of the small bags that you can buy for $1. Looking forward to trying these as we both love candy (Offer over)
Our Nicorette sample also finally arrived. We were also quite happy with this one. There are 6 pieces in the package. I had expected maybe 2. This sample also came with a $5 off coupon. It was slow getting here but I’m going to attribute that to the mail strike. (Offer over)
The Johnny Walker labels I ordered for Ryan also arrived last week. They are really nice and are a good quality for a freebie. These would make a great stocking stuff or small token to add to a gift.
We got our Neutrogena Clinical sample this week as well. I’m not gunna lie, I was VERY disappointed in this offer. I understand samples are suppose to be small but there isn’t even enough to wash my face with! The $5 coupon that is also offered with this sample is no where to be found! In the packaging it gives direction on how to obtain your coupon but the coupon isn’t actually there! For all the excitment this offer created I am not very happy with the results but still grateful that it was offered. (Offer over)
I also got my Dr. Beckmann Stain Devils sample. It is a fair sized bottle and should be enough to get through a few stains. I haven’t tried it yet but with that stack of laundry I have to do today I’m sure I’ll find something to try it on!