Today was a great day for mail!! We received tons of coupons including 5 FPCs! We received 3 envelopes from GoCoupons.ca, 1 envelope from Save.ca, a letter and coupon from Cadbury, a sample and more!
In each of the GoCoupons envelopes was a Natrel coupon. We received 2 of the FPC’s and a $2.00 off coupon. There were also other assorted coupons for Royale products and Yoplait. I still haven’t tried this product, and I’m really looking forward to it. I’m saving up all my FPC’s for one trip and aim for 100% savings!
We also received this FPC from Cadbury after calling in a couple weeks ago. I suppose its technically a $5 coupon but you can get basically anything Cadbury for around $5 or less! I see potential overage with this coupon They also sent a brief letter along with it.
Our Mr Big FPC’s arrived today as well. This was from a Facebook promotion back in August. Very unique packaging for this one, I liked it It may have been a bit over the top but hey! Its a great presentation.
Last but not least, we also received a FreshCo coupon today. It was only valid at our local stores, but you may have one for your area, so keep an eye out. The coupon is for $5 off a purchase of $50. We used this tonight when we had to pick up some groceries. I planned it perfectly and was $0.60 above the mark! I was quite proud LOL We found a bunch of tear pad coupons while we were out also (some were at SDM – see below).
My Burberry Body perfume sample arrived today also. This is actually a vial sample! YAY!! Finally, a perfume sample that you can use more than once! The box this was packaged in actually came air mail. This sample is still available here
While we were out at FreshCo and Shopper’s Drug Mart tonight we found a whole bunch of great tear pad coupons.
Save $1 WUB3 cans of Carnation Evaporated Milk – expires April 1, 2012
Save $1 on any Kellogg’s Fibre Plus cereal – expires February 28, 2012
Save $0.75 WUB2 Campbell’s Ready to Use Broths (900ml) – expires December 31, 2011
Save $0.50 on any Pillsbury Cookies or Cinnamon Rolls – expires December 31, 2011
Save $0.50 on one package of Uncle Ben’s Rice & Sauce (300g) – expires December 31, 2011
Save $0.75 on any Black Diamond cheese – expires January 31, 2012
Save $1 on any Vim product – expires December 1, 2011
Save $2 WUB2 different Dove products – expires December 31, 2011
Shoppers Drug Mart
Save $2 on any L’Oreal Studio Line product – expires December 31, 2011