Happy Hump Day to ME!
It’s been a realllly long time since I’ve had a great mail day. Heck, it feels like it’s been a realllly long time since I’ve even had a good mail day.
The offers have been slow going lately. But that all just changed!
Look what I found in my mail box this morning!
I was soooo excited to pull this puppy out 😀 I could hardly wait to get home and rip it open lol It’s like Christmas 😀
There were so many goodies in this season’s sampler – I got samples, FPC’s and full size products even!
Here is everything that was in my sample box
Isn’t it pretty <3
However, on closer inspection I did notice a couple of odd things
- I received 2 Astro Zero FPC’s. Not complaining but not sure I was suppose to get 2
- My Persil sample is lacking something…
Oops. They seem to have glued the packaging together but forgot to include the sample. LOL
It’s a bit of a bummer because I was actually really looking forward to this sample but it’s ok! I’ve got lots of other goodies to keep me busy!
Have you got your SampleSource Free Sample Pack yet? Let us know on the SaveaLoonie Facebook Page!