It was another awesome week for mail – freebies, samples & coupons Oh My! We got one envie from Save.ca, 2 from webSaver and 1 from GoCoupons. Although, the one from GoCoupons ($0.50 off EnviroCare) I don’t actually remember ordering. I remember a $2 on that was requested from Facebook that hasn’t come yet – I’m hoping that there wasn’t an error but I will withhold judgement and just be thankful for an extra coupon in the meantime 🙂
The 2 best coupons we received this week were the FPC for Oakrun Farm Bakery English Muffins (over) and the FPC for Clorox2 Stain Remover that was requested from their FB promotion (now over).
We also received our free sample of Calvin Klein Encounter cologne from the Scent Society (now over). This sample was given away to the first 2000 people that entered their contest 🙂 This is just postcard-style sample.
My free sample of LaCoupe shampoo & conditioner also arrived this week 🙂 I love these samples! A coupon for $2 off also came with the sample. If you have not requested one in the last 60 days you can get one here.
Another great freebie that we got this week was the Garnier 28 Day Ultra Lift kit (over). It came with 14 pouches, a wrinkle ruler and a coupon for $3 off!
And last but not least my Tampax / Always Radiant sample pack arrived from Totally Tampax Tuesdays! These giveaways are sporadic it seems and the samples took forever to arrive but they did come! Yay!