Happy Wednesday to ME! Well, and to you too!
But I’m extra excited because we had a GREAT Mail Day today!
Have a look at what we got!
My Nivea Sample Pack arrived! These samples were available to order from their website (no longer available). I got 2 Nivea All-in-One Facial Cleansing Lotion Samples, two $2 off coupons and a bonus Nivea In-Shower Body Lotion sample & coupon!
UPS dropped off my FREE Stanley Screwdriver (no longer available) today! We’ve been waiting for that baby since we requested it way back in May! But I knew it would come, sometimes we just have to be patient! It’s a great little screwdriver – now to decide whether to keep it or gift it this Christmas 😉
And last but not least, Fed-Ex just stopped by with a delivery – our FREE Country Style Coffee (no longer available)! I’m so excited – well I should say Ryan is! We were OUT of coffee and he’s been struggling LOL. I thought I was finally going to have to cave and buy some today, but I’m so happy I don’t! We receive 6 boxes of 12 K-Cups (72 total K-Cups) – 3 boxes of Dark Roast & 2 boxes of Original – so we should be stocked up for a while now!
What did you get in the mail today? Share with us on the SaveaLoonie Facebook Page!