Canadian Coupons
November 1, 2013

Hold on to your hats out there today folks! Well, those of us in Ontario anyways as it is WINDY!

I was actually surprised to find out mail delivered extra early this morning, around 9:30! It’s never hear that early! It was a pretty awesome mail day to boot so I’m thrilled! Here’s what we got:

I got my monthly Julep box. It’s not really a freebie, but is my little gift to me every month! I <3 Julep – I’ve been a member for a year and half now and have NEVER skipped a box! Each month you pay $19.99 (or free if you refer friends!) and get $40 or more worth of hair, nail and beauty products delivered right to your door. If you are new to Julep, just take the Style Quiz and find out which type of Maven you are, then request yourIntroductory box for FREE (just pay shipping $3.99) with coupon code FREEBOX. Click here to sign up for Julep.

I got my SmartSource Coupon Insert. Technically, it came in yesterdays paper but with all the Halloween festivities happening, I didn’t get a chance to get it posted. On that note, I also blame Halloween for this week’s match-ups not being done yet. They are coming.. I promise.

I also got my Vichy Idealia Life Serum Sample! These samples were offered to the first 10,000 people who entered a recent contest from Vichy (no longer available). It also came with a coupon for $5 off.

And last but not least, I got my P&G Try Before You Buy box (no longer available)! Judging by the Pantene Mousse, this is the first of the 2 boxes. And like so many others I have heard from, it is missing the Scope Outlast mouthwash & Olay Fresh Effects BB Cream. Since this seems to be a consistant issue, I decided to fire off an email to Gwen at P&G. This is what she said:

It shouldn’t have happened & we don’t like to disappointment people, by any means.

I’m currently having this investigated by the part of our brandSAMPLER Team that handles the processing & fulfillment end of the orders.

Once I hear back from them I’ll pass on the info. to you. Sound good?

Unfortunately, we all know, stuff happens and just remember, any samples should always be appreciated. And at least they didn’t forget the razors! HAHA

What did you get in the mail today? Let us know on our Canadian Coupons FB Page!

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November 1, 2013
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