It was an awesome day for mail! We got tons of coupons, samples and a couple surprises! My 2 orders of P&G coupons and Ryan’s first order came as well. We also got an envelope of coupons from GoCoupons.ca.
A few weeks ago, Ryan wrote to Burnbrae Farms to request coupons. This is what they sent to us They are low value coupons, but its hard to come by coupons like these so they are appreciated!
$0.30 off Naturegg Simply Egg Whites 500g – expires December 31, 2011
$0.50 off Burnbrae Farms Free Run Omega 3 eggs – expires December 31, 2011
$0.35 off Naturegg Break-Free 500g Liquid Egg Product – expires December 31, 2011
$0.50 off Naturegg Omega Pro eggs – expires December 31, 2011
$0.30 off Naturegg Omega 3 eggs – expires December 31, 2011
$0.75 off any Egg Creations 500g – expires December 31, 2011
$0.30 off Naturegg Nature’s Best eggs – expires December 31, 2011
Our Motrin sample arrived today as well! This is an awesome sample, its full-sized! It comes with a 16 count bottle of Motrin Liquid Gels and a coupon for $4.50 off a 60 or 72 count bottle. This sample came from a LivingWell.ca promotion – now over.
As an awesome surprise, Ryan received a P&G BrandSampler for Men! This pack was loaded, even better than the last regular BrandSampler and we didn’t even have to sign up for it! This sample pack contained a Gillette Fusion Proglide razor, Gillette body wash, Gillette thermal scrub, Gillette cooling gel, Head & Shoulders, Gain, Crest Whitestrips, Crest & Oral-B coupons and 2 Iams coupons! He was so excited when he got this (incase you missed the FB post earlier LOL) What a nice surprise from P&G <3
This was the biggest surprise of the day! Just after I arrived home, the mail truck stopped in front of our house and brought a box up to the door. We didn’t have to sign for it, he just left it in the door. We weren’t expecting anything that would be ‘hand delivered’ so we were stunned to find this! I can only assume its from the Sunlight Laundry promotion. One of the prizes we won was a 3 pack of affresh washing machine cleaner, but instead arrived a box with 6 x 3-packs of affresh!
I was expecting one bag – but I’ll take it! WOW! The strange thing is, this was the very last prize we won from that promotion and it is the first to arrive. I can’t wait to see what the mailman has in store for us the rest of the week!