Friday, Monday and Tuesday our mailbox was empty We were really beginning to wonder where our mail was but we got a whole lot yesterday!!
The mailman showed up with 13 envelopes of coupons for us from save.ca, websaver.ca, brandsaver.ca and gocoupons.ca!! It was a great little present before we camping but now we have to wait a week before we get to us any of them! Thats ok though, because we have been stragetically emptying our fridge and cupboards so no food goes to waste while we are gone. There is a big shopping trip scheduled for when we get back
We also got a set of the $14 in Febreze coupons. Most of these coupons I have never seen the products for so I am hoping to trade them out for ones I need!
Our Sensodyne sample also finally showed up! I had been hearing/reading alot of people saying they had got them already and was beginning to wonder if yet another thing had gotten lost to the Canada Post strike. This will definately come in handy on the camping trip This sample also came with a $1 off coupon.