Wow did we ever get ALOT of coupons today!! I had resigned myself to thinking that we weren’t going to get any mail today. Then to brighten my day, just as I was approaching my house I spotted the mailman only 2 doors away.
I was so excited that I yelled a happy “WOOOOOO!” out the car window at him LOL! When I came in the house Ryan said “the mailman was just here” I replied “Ya, I just woo’ed at him out the window”. Ryan broke out laughing and managed to get out “that was you? I heard that from in the house!” Oops I must’ve “woo’ed” a bit louder than I thought! It was all in good fun though.
But back to the coupons… We got 12 envelopes full of coupons!!! They came from everywhere – save.ca, websaver.ca, brandsaver.ca and gocoupons! We also got a Chapman’s coupon for $5 and I don’t even remember requesting one from anywhere!
I got the Vichy Lift Activ 4 day sample with a $5 off coupon. We also got 2 of the Walmart Kotex samplers containing 2 tampons and a pad each (no longer available). Each of those also contained a $1 off coupon.
All in all a pretty great mail day considering we didn’t think we were going to get anything at all! I was in such a good mood I decided to get creative with my coupon picture today