YAY!! P&G coupons have finally arrived!!!!
I normally wouldn’t blog about what came today, just put it all together later in the week but I know everyone has been anxiously awaiting the arrival of their P&G coupons Only Ryan’s showed up today but that doesn’t surprise me (I ordered mine a few days after). They all came in 2 envelopes with 4 full pages in each! Yippee!! So if yours didn’t arrive today they are coming!!
Our Web.Fluent poster from the Office of the Commisioner of Official Languages. This arrived early this morning before the other mail arrived and was left between our doors! It has basic terms related to the internet in both English and French. Its bright and useful and will make a nice addition to our office.
My Veet Wax Strip sample also FINALLY arrived! I had been waiting on this one so long I was beginning to doubt if I’d even ordered it! LOL This sample also came with a $1.00 off any Veet product coupon. (Offer over)
So not much today but I really wanted to share with you that P&G coupons should be arriving any time now for everyone Hopefully the rest of the week brings more goodies!