Happy Wednesday All!
Hoping you’re all having a wonderful week so far 🙂
I was going to do a mail day post for you all yesterday, but our mail didn’t come until 5pm and I was busy for the remainder of the evening so didn’t get a chance. But I figured I would share now – and hope for another good mail day today! 😀
I didn’t get much, but what I got rocked so I just had to share!
Click through below to see what I got:
Chicpea & Lentille Sample
When I pulled this out of the mail box (it was in a standard manilla parcel bag) I had no idea what it was. I had completely forgotten about them!
Chicpea & Lentille were giving out these free full size bags of Cheeze Puffs during a #GROWeek Sampling Campaign. I can’t wait to try them. They look so good – and I LOVE cheese puffs!
Shopper Army Package
I was selected to participate in Operation: You’re Not Ready For This Jelly from Shopper Army and my product testing package arrived yesterday!
It included a sample of the Strawberry & the Orange flavoured Jelly mixes from Dr Oetker. Now to decide which to make for dessert tonight!
What have you gotten in the mail this week? Share with us on the SaveaLoonie Facebook Page! We love seeing your photos too!