Today was a really great mail day!! Got some coupons, some freebies and our Future Shop gift cards. Well I suppose all of it didn’t technically come in the mail but its still worth posting about
So what we actually got in the mail was an envelope from Websaver.ca, two envelopes from Save.ca and one envelope from GoCoupons.ca. The GoCoupons I was most excited about as our first Natrel FPC showed up! I’m really looking forward to trying this product.
My Marc Angelo coupon finally arrived also! I have been waiting on this one for a while. Ryan has been wanting to try some of their products that come on sale. I think I will pick some up this weekend. This is a really great coupon because it has no expiry date. The thing is, that it actually has written on it No Expiry! So now cashier’s won’t question it because the expiry is missing
Our 3 Future Shop $5 gift cards arrived today also. We unfortunately missed out on a few cards because it took so long to verify our photos but I’m still super excited we got them. These are going to go towards a new keyboard and mouse for each of us! With all the posting we’ve been doing lately we have worn ours out! LOL
Today we went to SDM to mail out our latest winner’s prize and another letter. I stopped at the cosmetics counter and asked if they had any samples. I do this a couple times a month and usually wind up with a fragrance sample for Ryan and I. Today I got a Givenchy Pink sample for me and 2 different Givenchy samples for Ryan. After we mailed the letters we decided to scope out the isles for tear pads. I’m glad we did cause we found a couple good ones.
So this is what we found:
Lever 2000 tear pads, the same as the ones in Rexall on the weekend. I grabbed a few of those We use this brand alot
$1 wub2 any 2 Fixodent Adhesives or Powders. It expires December 31, 2011.
$1 off any Pantene product (exluding trial size). It expires December 31, 2011.
$0.50 off any Degree Women product. It expires December 31, 2011.
$1 off any TRESemme styling product. It expires December 31, 2011.
We also stopped at Leons tonight. We have finally saved up enough to purchase our dishwasher! YAY! Well, while we were looking at the dishwashers we noticed a special offer from Frigidarire. It is a mail in rebate for up to $100 when you purchase qualifying freezers. You must purchase your freezer by August 31, 2011 and submit your rebate by October 31, 2011.