What a great long weekend surprise! We have some family up visiting for the weekend from Oshawa and they brought me a wonderful little surprise!
A General Mills Sizzling Summer Lineup Coupon Insert! We weren’t lucky enough to have received them here in Peterborough, but since my sister in law rocks – she brought me one 🙂
There are 4 fabulous coupons inside including:
FREE Multi-Grain Cheerios or Peanut Butter Cheerios cereal wub any Cheerios cereal
FREE Edge Protein cereal or Nature Valley Protein cereal wub any Oatmeal Crisp cereal or Fibre 1 cereal
FREE Nature Valley Breakfast Bars or Fibre 1 Delights wub2 Nature Valley Granola Bars or Fibre 1 bars
FREE Nature Valley Lunch Box Granola Bars wub2 Nature Valley Granola Bars
All coupons are valid until August 31, 2014
Did you get this insert too? Let us know on the SaveaLoonie Facebook Page!