Hey everyone! Just wanted to tell you about my Dizolve Laundry Sheets experience. I got 10 of these packages of 10 sheets for $2.26 after taxes and coupons! Not half bad for 100 loads of laundry!
These are trial size packages of the Dizolve Laundry sheets containing 10 sheets each. These were at Walmart for $1.97. But because we don’t pay full price for anything here (LOL) I of course had coupons. These coupons were for $2 off each. These coupons do not specify a size limitation so are totally valid on even these trial sizes. Thus making the laundry sheets free but of course having to pay sales tax.
It was so hassle free too! Walmart is great for accepting coupons! The cashier did take his time to read the coupon well and did have to call a manager to double check that he could accept the. He was very polite through the process and the manager was very friendly and knowledgable. She scanned the coupon, doubled checked that we were only using one coupon per item and quickly allowed the cashier to enter each of the coupons.
I have never tried this product before but am looking forward to it. This laundry detergent was both basically free and is also eco-friendly! If you want to give this a try to, I suggest calling your local Walmart and making sure they carry this product first. Then print off your coupon(s) following the link below. Just that easy!!
Click here to get your coupon: