Groceries. They are SO expensive and yet, you just can’t get away from buying them.
That is, you know, if you want to eat and all!
Wouldn’t it be nice to have someone else do the buying for you? IOGO is giving away $25,000 in Free Grocery Prizes in this great new promotion!
In-Store Promotion
Each week, Sept 1st – Nov 6th, IOGO will choose 4 grocery stores across Canada and send in a IOGO Squad Member disguised as a checkout bagger. The Squad Member will surprise one lucky shopper purchasing a IOGO Product with a $500 Gift Card!
A total of 40 in-store winners (4/week x 10 weeks) will be selected!
Online Promotion
Enter for your chance to win a $500 Grocery Gift Card. One winner will be selected each week for a total of 10 winners!
One entry per household.
Contest closes November 6, 2016