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December 10, 2012

There is nothing like the smell of fresh cut evergreen during the Christmas Season! The problem is keeping your real Christmas Tree fresh and healthy during the holidays can be expensive and time consuming. There are the needles on the ground, the watering, the preservatives and all that jazz.

I was watching CityLine this morning and they had a DIY option to save you a bit of time and money! I thought it was so genius I just had to share it with you!

A 236ml bottle of Christmas Tree Preservative is $6 at Canadian Tire but I’m going to share with you this recipe to make your own at home with ingredients most of you should already have on hand!

Mix together:

1 cup boiling water
1 tbsp white vinegar
5 tbsp plain white sugar
1 tsp bleach

Now let me explain how and why this works.

The boiling water helps to dissolve all of the other ingredients. The vinegar works to acidify the water and helps the tree to absorb the nutrients. Sugar mimics the sap that the roots would normally produce for food. And finally, the bleach acts as a germ and bacteria killer to keep your tree healthy!

And that’s all there is too it! You can multiple this recipe to fill up your tree reservoir.

Happy Holidays!

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December 10, 2012
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