Canadian Coupons
October 8, 2012

SmartSource Coupon Inserts are due out this week / weekend! Here is a preview of what you can expect to find inside!

$3 off any Marcelle Eye Makeup Remover
FREE Lysol No-Touch Hand Soap System Kit (Mail-in Rebate)
$1 off any Resolve Product
$2 off Finish Dishwasher Detergent Tabs (Quantum Powerball or Gelpacs – 20ct or larger)
$1 off Finish Jet-Dry Rinse Agent (Quantum Jet-Dry, Turbo-Dry or Jet-Dry)
$1 off any Finish Dishwasher Cleaner
$2 off any Woolite Product
$0.75 off any French’s Mustard
$1 off any Maple Leaf Deli-Fresh
$2 Hershey‘s Drops, 200g
$2 off Cottonelle Dry Bathroom Ttissue (Ultra or Clean Care, 12pk or 24pk) AND any Cottonelle Flushable Wipes
$1 off any Litehouse Caramel Product
$1 off WUB2 Kleenex Facial Tuissue (50ct or higher)
$2 off any Huggies Little Movers, Little Snugglers or Overnight Diapers
$1.50 off any Huggies Diapers exp
$0.75 off any Huggies Baby Wipes (56ct or larger)
$1.50 off any Poise Body Cooling Towelettes, Feminine Wash or Panty Fresheners
$2.50 off any Poise Personal Lubricant or Roll-on Cooling Gel

Thanks MrsJanuary!

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October 8, 2012
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