Canadian Coupons
July 29, 2013

UPDATE: July 29/13

The Class Action Lawsuit against Danone was finalized as of May 27, 2013. Any person who purchased Activia yogurt products or DanActive probiotic drink products between April 1 2009 and November 6, 2012 is eligible to file for reimbursement.

If you do not have any grocery receipts detailing your purchases, you are still able to file a claim for $30. If you have kept your grocery receipts, you can claim for an exact amount up to $100.

You have until August 27, 2013 to submit your claim. Click the GO TO OFFER button to be directed to the claim page.

You are able to file online or by mail. If you choose to e-file, you will be required to confirm your eSignature through your email.

Thanks RedFlagDeals!

OP: Sept 26/12
This is news to us but a fascinating story nonetheless! A woman in Montreal has filed a class action lawsuit against Danone Inc because of supposed false claims that Danone Activia Yogurt and DanActive Probiotic Yogurt Drink are able to aid in digestion.

Although Danone maintains that they have done nothing wrong they have agreed to settle with a $1.7million agreement. All that’s left is the approval of the Quebec Superior Court on November 6th. If this claim goes through it means any one who has purchased Danone Activia or Danactive between April 1, 2009 and November 6, 2012 are entitled to a part of the claim!

According to this article if you declare that you purchased either of these product  will be eligible for for $15 in compensation. However, if you are actually able to prove your purchase (s) with a receipt than you could claim between $15 and $50 depending on the amount purchased.

This is something we will definitely be watching for in November!

Thanks Chelsea!

Click here for original news article.

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July 29, 2013
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