Canadian Coupons
December 3, 2018

Can you believe it’s already December?!

Christmas will be here before we know it, and we are ready to start celebrating NOW!

For the 8th year in a row, we are spreading holiday cheer with our favourite holiday tradition.

We are SO EXCITED to announce that our Annual 12 Days of Giveaways has begun!!

We hope you enjoy this fun and festive yuletide tradition as much as we do!

This year, there is a huge pile of presents for us to give to YOU! We’ve got TWELVE DAYS of Giveaways coming up with 24 prizes to be won!

Each day of our giveaway we have one Daily Grand Prize and one Daily Secondary Prize available to be won.

Visit us each day to enter for your chance to win and earn additional entries. Plus, find out if you’ve won the previous day’s prize!

Good luck SaveaLoonians and Happy Holidays!

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December 3, 2018
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