FREE Gillette Deodorant, FREE Scrubbing Bubbles, FREE Chapman’s Ice Cream + Huggies Baby Wipes, Pepperidge Farm Cookies, Colgrate mouthwash, Special K Cracker Chips, Cottonelle Fresh Wipes & MORE for a Loonie or Less this week!
Don’t forget to check out this week’s complete Coupon Price Match-Ups for ALL of this week’s great deals, including a couple of rock-bottom buys on laundry detergent!
Canadian Tire
Dawn dish soap $1.99 – $0.50 PG / $0.50 CO51
Michelina’s Frozen Dinners $1 – $1 wub5 Print
Tropicana Orange Juice $1 – $0.25 Snap
Glade Aerosols $1 – B1G2 Save.ca / BOGO webSaver
Pepperidge Farm Cookies $2 – $1 Print
Kellogg’s Special K Cracker Chips $2 – $1 CO51
Windex $3 – $2 webSaver / $2 wub2 Mars Insert / SS 3-26-15
Scrubbing Bubbles cleaners $3 – BOGO webSaver / SS 3-26-15 / $1.50 Mars Insert / $4 wub2 Snap
Giant Tiger
Uncle Ben’s Bistro Express $2 – $1 mail out
Scrubbing Bubbles cleaners $2.99 – BOGO webSaver / SS 3-26-15 / $1.50 Mars Insert / $4 wub2Snap
Huggies Baby Wipes $2 – $2 wub2 Snap
Dove bar soap $1.47 – $1.50 wub2 Print
Palmolive dish soap $1.97 – $1 RP 4-3-15
Pepperidge Farm Cookies $1.97 – $1 Print
Shoppers Drug Mart
Herbal Essences $2.49 – $1 CO51 / $0.50 PG *Sat*
Arm & Hammer toothpaste $1.88 – $1 Save.ca *Sat*
Colgate mouthwash $2.77 – $2 RP 3-6-15 / $1 RP 4-3-15 *Sat*
Colgate Enamel Health toothpaste $2.49 – $1.50 RP 3-6-15
Secret deodorant $2.49 – $1 PG / $2.50 wub2 CO51 *Fri-Sun*
Gillette deodorant $2.49 – $3 wub PG / $2.50 wub2 CO51 *Fri-Sun*
Old Spice deodorant $2.49 – $1 CO51 / $1 PG *Fri-Sun*
Kleenex Premium Tissues 2/$4 – $1 Live Better Mag
Kleenex Cottonelle Fresh Wipes 2/$4 – $1 Live Better Mag
Europe’s Best Frozen Fruit $2.99 – $2.50 Save.ca
Chef Boyardee 2/$3 – $0.50 SS 3-26-15
Allen’s or Rougemont Apple Juice $1.99 – $1 Allen’s Juice
Pepperidge Farm Cookies $1.99 – $1 Print
Chapman’s Ice Cream $2.99 – $4 mail out
Save on Foods
Chef Boyardee 3/$4 – $0.50 SS 3-26-15
Food Basics
Glade Aerosols $0.99 – B1G2 Save.ca / BOGO webSaver
Europe’s Best Frozen Fruit $2.99 – $2.50 Save.ca
Independent Grocer
Classico Pasta Sauce $1.99 – $1 CO51
Glad lunch bags $1.25 – $0.75 Print
Arm & Hammer $1.99 – $1 Save.ca
Atlantic Superstore
Arm & Hammer toothpaste $1.99 – $1 Save.ca
Crest toothpaste $1.99 – $1 PG
Special K Protein Bars $2.99 – $1 webSaver / $1 CO51
All Bran Breakfast Bars $2.99 – $1 webSaver / $1 CO51
Glad lunch bags $1.25 – $0.75 Print
Real Canadian Superstore West
Dawn dish soap $1.98 – $0.50 PG / $0.50 CO51
Crest toothpaste $1.98 – $1 PG
Colgate mouthwash $2.98 – $2 RP 3-6-15 / $1 RP 4-3-15
Secret deodorant $2.48 – $1 PG / $2.50 wub2 CO51
Old Spice deodorant $2.48 – $1 CO51 / $1 PG
Herbal Essences $2.46 – $1 CO51 / $0.50 PG
Real Canadian Superstore ON
Chef Boyardee $1.25 – $0.50 SS 3-26-15
Dawn dish soap $1.98 – $0.50 PG / $0.50 CO51
Crest toothpaste $1.98 – $1 PG
Colgate mouthwash $2.98 – $2 RP 3-6-15 / $1 RP 4-3-15
Secret deodorant $2.48 – $1 PG / $2.50 wub2 CO51
Old Spice deodorant $2.48 – $1 CO51 / $1 PG