FREE LeClerc Cookies, FREE Crest Toothpaste, FREE Lindt Bars + Energizer Batteries, French’s Mustard, Garnier & MORE for a Loonie or Less this week!
Don’t forget to check out our Complete Coupon Price Match-Ups for ALL of this week’s deals!
Dempster’s Bagels $1.99 – $1 webSaver
Buddig Sliced Meats 2/$1 – $1 wub5 SSP
Giant Tiger West
Energizer Max batteries $2 – $1 Print
Honey Nut Cheerios $1.94 – $1 Save.ca
Giant Tiger Ontario
Energizer Max batteries $2 – $1 Print
Honey Nut Cheerios $1.84 – $1 Save.ca
No Frills
Lean Cuisine $1.97 – $1 Print
Michelina’s $0.88 – $1 wub4 Print
Crest toothpaste $1 – $1 tear pad
Food Basics
Catelli Smart $1.44 – $1 GoCoupons / webSaver / BOGO webSaver
Lactantia Cream $1.44 – $1 booklet
Ritz Crackerfuls $1.44 – $2 CO51
Campbell’s Stock $1.44 – $1 SnapSaves
French’s Mustard $1.44 – $1 SS 4-11-14
Catelli Smart 2/$3 – $1 GoCoupons / webSaver / BOGO webSaver
LeClerc Celebration cookies 2/$4 – $1 SnapSaves / $1 Canadian Living Mag
Christie Potato Thins 2/$4 – $1 Zweet
Atlantic Superstore
Michelina’s $1 – $1 wub4 Print
Barilla Plus Pasta $1.50 – $1 / $0.50 Save.ca / $0.75 RP 2-1-14
Barilla Classic Pasta $0.99 – $0.75 RP 4-4-14
Real Canadian Superstore Ontario
Michelina’s $0.98 – $1 wub4 Print
Lysol Toilet Cleaner $1.98 – $1 SnapSaves / $1 SSP / $1.50 wub2 SS 2-27-14 / $1 wub2 SS 3-28-14
Real Canadian Superstore West
Bick’s relish $1.50 – $0.50 Zweet
Dove antiperspirant $2.98 – $2 sample / Print
Your Independent Grocer
Barilla Plus Pasta $1.50 – $1 / $0.50 Save.ca / $0.75 RP 2-1-14
Barilla Classic Pasta $0.99 – $0.75 RP 4-4-14
Lindt Swiss Classic Bars $1.99 – $2 mail out
Shoppers Drug Mart
Dove Body Wash $2.99 – $2 Print / $1.50 CO51
Garnier Damage Eraser $2.49 – $1 / $3 wub2 webSaver *Sat only*
Metro Ontario
Tyrrell’s Chips $2.49 – $1.50 SnapSaves
Rice Dream Beverage 2/$4 – $1 SnapSaves
Sweet Corn 4/$1 – $1 SnapSaves
Hot House Tomatoes $1/lb – $1 SnapSaves
Bick’s relish $1.49 – $0.50 Zweet
Michelina’s $5/5 – $1 wub4 Print
Crest toothpaste $1.49 – $1 tear pad
Save on Foods
iogo Nomad $0.99 – $0.75 webSaver / $1 SnapSaves