FREE Special K Cracker Chips, FREE Dove deodorant + Lysol Soap, Dunkaroos, Scrubbing Bubbles, Pop-Tarts, Herbal Essences, Nivea & MORE for a Loonie or Less this week!
And, as always, be sure to check out the complete Coupon Price Match-Ups for ALL of this week’s best deals!
Lysol Hand Wash $1.97 – $1 SSP
Arm & Hammer toothpaste $1.88 – $1 SS 6-7-14 / $0.75 SS 12-5-13
Dunakroos $1.67 – $1 Save.ca
Scrubbing Bubbles triggers $2 – BOGO SS 2-8-14 / $1 SS 3-28-14 / SS 4-11-14
Hawaiian Punch $2 – $1 RP 4-4-14
Nutri-Grain Bars $1.99 – $1 CO51
Special K Cracker Chips $1.99 – $1 webSaver / $1 CO51
Kellogg’s Pop-Tarts $1.99 – $1 CO51
Misfits dog treats $2.49 – $2 CO51 / $1.50 wub2 Walmart insert
Giant Tiger
Hawaiian Punch $2 – $1 RP 4-4-14
Nutri-Grain Bars $2 – $1 CO51
Herbal Essences $2.42 – $1 CO51 / $0.50 / $1.50 wub2 PG
No Frills
Yoplait Source $1.97 – $1 Save.ca
Dove deodorant $2.99 – $2 Print
Herbal Essences 2/$5 – $1 CO51 / $0.50 / $1.50 wub2 PG
Royale Velour $3.99 – $3 GoCoupons / $1 tear pad / inserts
Shoppers Drug Mart
Dove deodorant 2/$4 – $2 Print
Real Canadian Superstore ON
Dunkaroos $1.98 – $1 Save.ca
Atlantic Superstore
Special K Cracker Chips $2.49 – $1 webSaver / $1 CO51
Food Basics
Herbal Essences 2/$5 – $1 CO51 / $0.50 / $1.50 wub2 PG
Nivea body wash $3 – $2 sample
Astro yogurt $2 – $1 / $2 wub2 booklet
Your Independent Grocer
Special K Pastry Crisps $2.49 – $1 webSaver / $1 CO51
Arm & Hammer toothpaste $1.99 – $1 SS 6-7-14 / $0.75 SS 12-5-13
Dove deodorant $2.99 – $2 Print