Lots of deals for a Loonie or less this week! Find them all here!
Don’t miss this week’s complete Coupon Price Match-Ups for all of the deals available this week!
Giant Tiger
Yoplait tubs $2 – $0.50 CO51 / $1 Save.ca
No Frills
Rice Krispies Squares $1.97 – $1 webSaver / $0.50 CO51
Dove hair care $2.97 – $1 Print / $3 Print / $2 wub2 RP 2-1-13
Special K Cracker Chips $1.99 – $1 webSaver
Dad’s Cookies $2.79 – $2 CO51
Arm & Hammer toothpaste $1.49 – $1 SS 11-29-12
Special K Flatbread $2.99 – $2 webSaver / $1 webSaver
Pringles 2/$4 – $1 CO51
Wonder Bread $1.99 – $2 wub2 Save.ca
Shoppers Drug Mart
Colgate Optic White toothpaste $1.99 – $1 Print
Oasis Juice $0.99 – $0.50 CO51
Honey Bunches of Oats $1.99 – $1 Save.ca
Yoplait Source $1.74 – $1 Save.ca / $0.50 CO51
Yoplait Minigo or Tubes $1.74 – $0.50 Save.ca / $0.50 CO51
Eggo Waffles $2 – $1 webSaver
Real Canadian Superstore
Wonder Bread $1.98 – $2 wub2 Save.ca
Chapman’s Premium $3.98 – $5 mail out
Yoplait Source $1.97 – $1 Save.ca / $0.50 CO51
Yoplait Tubes or Minigo $1.97 – $0.50 Save.ca / $0.50 CO51
Tetley Green Tea $2 – $1 GoCoupons
Arm & Hammer toothpaste $1.67 – $1 SS 11-29-12
Real Canadian Superstore West
Pop Tarts $1.97 – $1 webSaver
Rice Krispies Squares $1.97 – $1 webSaver / $0.50 CO51
Nutri Grain Bars $1.97 – $1 webSaver
Eggo Waffles $1.98 – $1 webSaver
Arm & Hammer toothpaste $1.67 – $1 SS 11-29-12
Oasis Juice $1 – $0.50 CO51
Pop Tarts $2 – $1 webSaver
Rice Krispies Squares $2 – $1 webSaver / $0.50 CO51
Special K Flatbread $3 – $2 webSaver / $1 webSaver
Toilet Duck $2 – $2 webSaver / $1 SS 9-20-12
Playex Tampons $3 – $2 mail out
Carefree, Stayfree or o.b. $2 – $1 Print
Arm & Hammer toothpaste $2 – $1 SS 11-29-12