Here are all the best deals this week! I’ve also included any deals that may not have a coupon involved but are still worth picking up!
Looking for even more deals? Check out our complete Coupon Price Match-Ups list!
Price Chopper
Nestle Bottled Water 28pk $2.44
Nestle Bottled Water 28pk $2.44
Giant Tiger
Eggo Waffles $1.97 – $1 webSaver / $1 SSP
Yoplait Source $1.99 – $1 Save.ca
No Frills
Real Canadian Bottled Water 15pk $0.88
Coke soft drinks 1pk $2.88
Maple Leaf Bacon $3.88 – $2 rebate
Alcan Foil $0.88
Ziploc Sandwich bags $0.88
Kellogg’s Cereals $1.88 – $1 webSaver
Independent Grocer
Campbell’s Condensed Soups 2/$1
Nordica cottage cheese $2 – $1 Save.ca
Baby Mum Mums $1.99 – $0.50 rebate
B2G1 Free Pillsbury Pizza Pops or Mini or Toaster Strudel
Shoppers Drug Mart
Johnson’s Baby toiletries $2.99 – $1 Print *Sun&Mon*
Arm & Hammer laundry detergent $2.99 – $1 SS 9-20-12 *Fri-Sun*
Astro Zer0% yogurt $2 – $1 webSaver
Kellogg’s Eggo Waffles $2 – $1 webSaver / SSP
Jell-O refrigerated puddings $2.99 – $1 Save.ca / $0.50 rebate
Superstore East
Campbell’s Condensed soups $0.48
Baby Mum Mums $1.97 – $0.50 rebate
Kraft Shredded Cheese $5.97 – $3 / $1 Save.ca
Softsoap refills $1 – $2 wub2 SS 1-3-13
Garnier Body lotion $3.97 – $2 webSaver
Superstore West
Baby Mum Mums $1.97 – $0.50 rebate
Kraft Shredded Cheese $5.97 – $3 / $1 Save.ca
Softsoap refills $1 – $2 wub2 SS 1-3-13
Garnier Body lotion $3.97 – $2 webSaver
Baby Mum Mums $1.94 – $0.50 rebate
Schick Hydro 3 Razor $5 – $4 Print
Heinz Little Kids snacks $1.96 – $1 SSP
Save on Foods
BOGO Maple Leaf Prime Chicken Breast flyer coupon
BOGO Scallops flyer coupon
BOGO Mitchell’s Sliced Bacon flyer coupon
FREE carton of Western Family Omega 3 Eggs WUB3 participating Kraft Products
BOGO Western Family bottled water flyer coupon
BOGO Western Family Cranberry Cocktail flyer coupon
BOGO Clover Leaf tuna flyer coupon
Wonderful Pistachios BOGO flyer coupon – $1 SS 11-29-12
BOGO Western Family Hashbrowns flyer coupon
BOGO Premium Plus Crackers flyer coupon
BOGO Knorr broth flyer coupon
BOGO Blue Diamond Almond Breeze flyer coupon
BOGO Parkay margarine flyer coupon
BOGO Revlon Colour Cosmetics flyer coupon
BOGO Red Rose Tea flyer coupon
BOGO Ragu Sauce flyer coupon
BOGO Dad’s Cookies flyer coupon
BOGO Western Family Frozen Entrees flyer coupon
BOGO High Liner Signature Packs
Crest toothpaste $1 – $0.50 P&G insert
Toilet Duck 2/$4 – $2 webSaver / $1 SS 9-20-12