Here we have listed all of the best deals this week! We’ve included coupon and non-coupon offers here.
Click here to view the complete Coupon Price Match-Ups.
Black Diamond Cheese $3.77 – $0.75 Anchor Measuring Cups / tear pad
Eggo Waffles $1.44 – $1 webSaver / $1 SSP
Aunt Jemima Syrup or Pancake Mix $1.44
Healthy Choice Gourmet Steamers $2.99 – BOGO webSaver
Dempsters Bread $2.29 – $1.50 Checkout 51
Price Chopper
Eggo Waffles $1.44 – $1 webSaver / $1 SSP
Aunt Jemima Syrup or Pancake Mix $1.44
Healthy Choice Gourmet Steamers $2.99 – BOGO webSaver
Dempsters Bread $2.29 – $1.50 Checkout 51
Giant Tiger
VH Sauces $1.99- $0.75 / $2 wub2 Canadian Living Mag
No Frills
Catelli Smart $1 – $1 webSaver
Alymer Tomatoes $1 – $1 wub2 tear pad
Alcan foil $1
Glad sandwich bags $1
High Liner Seasoned fish $2 – $1 tear pad
Del Monte fruit twists $2 – $1 Del Monte Fruit Cups pack
Black Diamond Cheestrings $2 – $0.75 Anchor Measuring Cups / tear pad / $1 Checkout 51
Campbell’s Soups $1 – $0.50 Checkout 51
Oasis Juice $2 – $1.25 Allen’s Juice Can
Cashmere Toilet Paper $2.99
Arctic Gardens frozen vegetables 2/$5 – $1 GoCoupons / Print / $2 mail out
Kraft Cheez Whiz $2.99 – $1.50 Save.ca
Canadian Tire
Optima paper towel 6 rolls $3.49 *Sat&Sun*
Royale Facial Tissue 6pk $3.99 – $2 GoCoupons / $1 GoCoupons
Campbell’s Condensed Soups $0.47
Lysol Power & Free $2.86 – $1 SSP / SS 2-9-13
Cracker Barrel Cheese $4.44
Redpath Suger $1.99
Grade A dozen eggs $1.99 – $1 wub2 webSaver
Nivea Body Wash $3.99 – $3 webSaver
Redpath Sugar $1.88 *Fri-Sun*
B2G1 Free Minute Maid, Nestea or Five Alive 12pk
Shoppers Drug Mart
Johnson Baby Toiletries $2.99 – $1 Print *Sun&Mon*
Royale Toilet Paper $2.99 – $2 GoCoupons *Fri-Sun*
Garnier Fructis $2.99 – $1 webSaver
Royale Toilet Paper $3.99 – $2 GoCoupons / $1 GoCoupons
Royale Paper Towels $3.99 – $2 GoCoupons / $0.75 GoCoupons
Royale Facial Tissue $3.99 – $2 GoCoupons / $1 GoCoupons
Real Canadian Superstore
Chapman’s Ice Creams $3.98 – $5 mail out
Special K Breakfast Sandwich $2.98 – $2 webSaver
Real Canadian Superstore West
Chapman’s Premium Collection 2/$7 – $5 mail out
Maple Leaf bacon $3.98
Kellogg’s cereals $2.97 – various
Special K Breakfast Sandwich $2.48 – $2 webSaver
Save on Foods
Free Ferroro Rocher WUB Valentine’s Roses
$2 off Butterfly Lamb Leg flyer coupon
BOGO free pork back ribs flyer coupon
BOGO free Black Tiger Prawns flyer coupon
BOGO High Liner fish fillets flyer coupon
BOGO Potstickers flyer coupon
BOGO Schneiders chicken wings flyer coupon
BOGO Schneiders Meat Pies flyer coupon
BOGO Clorox Disinfecting Wipes
BOGO Clorox Toilet Bowl Cleaner
BOGO Green Works Cleaner
BOGO Liquid-Plumr
BOGO Pine Sol Cleaners
BOGO Tilex Triggers