Here we have listed all of the best deals this week! We’ve included coupon and non-coupon offers here.
Click here to view the complete Coupon Price Match-Ups.
POM Juice $1 – $0.50 SS 1-3-13 / SS 2-7-13
Silk Soy beverage $3 – $2 Print
Smart Ones Entrees 2/$4 – $1 websaver
Purex laundry detergent $3 – $2.50 wub2 SS 1-24-13
Advil Nighttime $3 – $3 webSaver/ SS 9-20-12 / $2 Print
Aleve $3 – $2 Print
Sealtest 4L milk $3.77
Cheerios or Oatmeal Crisp family size $3.99
Special K Cracker Chips $2.49 – $1 websaver / $0.50 Checkout 51
Price Chopper
Sealtest 4L chocolate milk $3.97
Cheerios or Oatmeal Crisp family size $3.99
Special K Cracker Chips $2.49 – $1 websaver / $0.50 Checkout 51
No Frills
Dare Breaktime cookies 2/$1
Catelli Smart $1 – $1 webSaver
Alcan foil $1
Glad sandwich bags $1
Herbal Essences hair care $2 – $0.50 / $1 P&G
Weetabix cereal $1
Heinz Ketchup $3
Dr Oetker Frozen Pizza $3 – $1.50 wub2 / $1 Save.ca
Black Diamond Cheestrings $2 – $0.75 tear pad / Anchor Measuring Cups
Unico Beans $0.95 – $0.50 Checkout 51
Primo pasta & sauce $0.95
BlueWater Grill Fillets 2/$7 – $1 RP 2-1-13
Toilet Duck $1.99 – $1 SS 9-20-12
Dove hair care $3.99 – $1 Print / $3 Print
Giant Tiger
Astro Zer0% $3 – $1 webSaver
Wonder Bread $1.97 – $2 wub2 Save.ca
Pepsi 12pk $3.97
Canadian Tire
Dawn dish soap $1 -$1 wub2 P&G
Alcan foil $1
Glad Cling Wrap $1
Glad Sandwich Bags $1
Old Dutch $1
Tilex Spray $2 – $1.50 Print
Toilet Duck $2 – $1 SS 9-20-12
Coke or Pepsi 12pk 2/$7 *Fri-Mon*
Coke or Pepsi 6pk 2/$5 *Fri-Mon*
BOGO Jamieson Vitamins, Herbals or Diet products
FREE Huggies Wipes WUB2 Diapers flyer coupon (manufacturer coupon)
Cesar wet food $0.75 – B2G2 Free SS 1-3-13
Chapman’s Premium Ice Cream $4.99 – $5 mail out
Chapman’s Original or Novelties $2.99 – $5 mail out
Resolve Spray n Wash $2 – $1 SS 10-11-12 / Purina gift box
Black Diamond cheese slices $2 – $0.75 tear pad / Anchor Measuring Cups
BOGO Sensations Annabelle potatoes
B2 Yoplait Source Greek Yogurt & Get FREE Nature Valley Crunchy bars – $1 Save.ca
Real Canadian Superstore West
Dove bar soap $2.97 – $2 Print
Dove body wash $2.97 – $2 Print
Advil Muscle & Joint $4.97 – $3 webSaver / $2 Print
Advil Liquid Gels $4.97 – $3 sample coupon / $2 Print
Stayfree or Carefree pads $1.97 – $1 Print
ob products $1.97 – $1 Print / $1 Print
Real Canadian Superstore East
Country Naturals chicken strips or nuggets $8.98 – $4 Print
Smart Ones Entrees 2/$4 – $1 websaver
Dove bar soap $2.97 – $2 Print
Dove body wash $2.97 – $2 Print
Dove hair care $2.97 – $3 Print / $1 Print
Advil Muscle & Joint $4.97 – $3 webSaver / $2 Print
Advil Liquid Gels $4.97 – $3 sample coupon / $2 Print
Burnbrae or Gray Ridge large eggs 18pk $2.88 *Feb 21st*
Shoppers Drug Mart
Vim Cleanser $1.88 – $1 Checkout 51 *Sun-Mon*
Motrin $3.99 – $3 tear pad / Print
Peek Freans cookies $1.99 – $1 Checkout 51
Garnier Body lotion $2.99 – $2 webSaver / sample coupon
Save on Foods
BOGO Free Maple Leaf Prime Portions flyer coupon
Buy Thin Sliced Chicken breast, Get Uncle Ben’s Bistro Express Free
BOGO Free Maple Leaf Country Kitchen Ham flyer coupon
BOGO Western Family Ibuprofen flyer coupon
BOGO Western Family Calcium Supplements flyer coupon
Febreze mini candle 2/$5 – $5 wub3 / $3 wub2 P&G