Save.ca has launched a great new feature! They are now offer MOBILE CASH-BACK REBATES!! Whoop whoop! You read that right! Save.ca is now joining the ranks among Checkout 51, Snap by Groupon, Zweet & CartSmart by offering shoppers cash-back for their purchases!
Start by downloading the Save.ca mobile app on your iPhone or Android device. If you already have the app, make sure you get the latest update for this new feature! Then log in using your regular Save.ca sign in. From there, browse & select the offers your are redeeming.
Once you’ve purchased your items, snap a picture of your receipt & submit! Receipt take up to 1 week to be processed so try to be patient.
Once you’ve reached a balance of $5 in your account, you can cash-out instantly through PayPal. Please note, it does not appear that Save.ca is sending out checks for rebates at this time, so if you don’t have a PayPal account already, I suggest you get one ASAP (it’s free!).
It’s that easy & SUPER DUPER EXCITING!
Newly added rebates are identified with Green Text.
Otrivin Saline Severe Congestion Relief with Sea Water (100ml)
Cash Back: $3.00
These offers are valid until for purchases from date posted until the offer is sold out.