Canadian Store Coupon Policies
We all need to be informed!
The only way to be certain what is or isn’t allowed when it comes ro couponing is to know your store’s coupon policy. Due to the high turnover of cashiers in the retail market many of them are unaware of these policies. In the event of a “coupon in question” you don’t want to be leaving the store without a great deal.
Gather coupon policies
Be Prepared!

You can never have too much information or knowledge and it is better to be over-prepared then left scrambling.Compose a list of all the stores you frequently shop at. Then contact each of these companies either by phone, mail or email to request a copy of their coupon and/or price match policy. Most stores are willing to give you this information but be patient as it may take awhile for a response.
Once you have copies of these policies, read them over carefully. You want to be certain you understand everything in the policy. If you are unsure about some wording, bring your copy into the store and speak with a Customer Service Manager for clarification.
When you shop with coupons we suggest always carrying a copy of your store policies with you. In the event of a dispute over a coupon, you want to be able to defend your purchase with proof. Most cashiers are not given a copy of this policiy so you can have it to show them.
There are coupon & price match policies for many Canadian stores located on but it is strongly recommended that you use this as reference only. If you would like to obtain your own copies, contact the companies. As policies change so frequently. we do not guarantee that these policies are up-to-date. To stay current we also recommend re-requesting coupon policies every 6 months.
Have confidence that your right!
Stand up for yourself!

Unfortunately, sometimes being a couponer can lead to negativity from others. This negativity can come from other shoppers, cashiers or even managers. If you really want to live the frugal life, you must be prepared for this. But if you are ready for all of that then you must have confidence in yourself!Knowing your store policies is a great place to start. If you are confident that a coupon you are using is valid, then stand up for yourself. Don’t just accept no as an answer, in the most polite way possible of course. If a cashier refuses a coupon you belive should be accepted, ask to speak with a customer servicemanager.
This is when having a copy of the coupon policy is very handy. If you have something in writing to defend your point, it is more likely your purchase will be allowed. If the CSM is still not allowing your purchase, ask to speak to a store manager. As a paying customer you have every right to do this and you should not feel as though you are inconviencing anyone.
In the event you exhaust every level at the store and you are still being refused contact the company head office. If you believe you should not have been refused and were, they can either clarify your mistake or the stores’.
Other shoppers may also make you feel rushed and guilty for taking a few extra minutes at checkout. As a general rule of thumb, it is a courtesy to just let anyone getting in line behind you that you will be having a longer than average checkout. This way if they choose to stay in line they have been informed or they can choose a different till. If someone is standing behind you during checkout huffing, puffing and tapping their foot, just remind yourself of they money you are saving and they aren’t!
If everyone remains informed, poilte and respectfully couponing can be an easy, hassle free experience.