I was recently asked (and have been before) When do you know when the best time to use your coupons is? So I thought I would take a few minutes to explain how I do it!
The first thing to being an effective couponer is to be organized. When you have a fully organized system, you are better able to make decisions with your coupons.
Next, write out a list with all of the products you have coupons for. Write beside each of those products the lowest retail price (closest estimate will work) you have seen that product at. I refer to this number as the “Rock Bottom”. Rock Bottom prices tend to appear on anywhere from a 6 week to a 6 month cycle. It can be very beneficial if you can remember and write down the date you saw this price. Knowing the last time you saw that price can help you determine a pattern and give you an idea the next time the price of that product will be at its lowest. Being able to recall where that sale was is also very helpful
Having your Rock Bottom Price List handy, reference the SaveaLoonie.com Coupon Price Match-Ups. When you see an item that is at your Rock Bottom or lower, that is the BEST time to stock up!
Now we all know coupons don’t last forever If you have coupons that will be expiring soon and it doesn’t look like the product will be at Rock Bottom before then, go ahead and use them on the next good sale. It is always a shame to let a good coupon go to waste!
Getting the lowest possible price on a product can be a waiting game, but if your patient, the great savings will be worth it!
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