Hey Everyone! Hope you are all saving lots of money!! Here is my next tip for you…
GET ORGANIZED!! The best way to ensure you get the maximum value from your coupons is to use them! By creating some sort of coupon organization system you will be better able to link coupons you have to items you want/need. This will also ensure that you use coupons before they expire.
Different people find different methods work best for them. Try different systems until you find what works best for you. I will share briefly what I’ve heard of and what I have tried, just to give you a few ideas!
Coupon Binder – this is the most common option. Even in the choice to use a binder everybody organizes their binder differently. Some ideas for binder organization are: alphabetically by brand (Bounce, Purex, Ziploc etc); by category (household, grocery etc); by expiry date; or by some combination of these or other methods
According File – this is also a good way to organize your coupons. Again, your choice on how to organize your file is up to you and can be done in any of the ways mentioned in the binder section
Envelopes – this is how I started. I purchased a bunch of envelopes from the dollar store and a basket to put them in. I wrote on each envelope the brand name of the product on the coupon and organized the envelopes alphabetically. I also have a seperate envelope for FPCs (free product coupons) and BOGO (buy one get one) coupons to make sure these always get used before they expire.
I found this envelope method worked well for me while I was starting out. When I planned a shopping trip I was search through the coupon envelopes to find what I need then put the coupons I was taking with me shopping in another envelope and into my purse. I do still use my envelopes for less commonly used coupons but I have recently converted to the binder method. I found that while shopping I would find unadvertised deals that I knew I had a coupon for at home but was unable to use because I didn’t have it with me! The binder has helped with this!
I have a small binder that I put in all the coupons I am most likely to use. I also use the binder to hold the coupons I take shopping. Because this binder is small I can take it with me anytime I go out and if I see that great deal I know I have the coupon with me! I organize my binder alphabetically by brand name. I haven’t yet moved into organizing by category and alphatebical! I find using the envelope system and my binder is the best way for me to stay organized!
If you really want to see your savings on your next grocery bill, I highly recommend creating some sort of coupon organization system for yourself! It may cost you a few dollars now but your wallet will thank you for it in the end!